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用 VMware 折腾虚拟机

以前还热衷于虚拟机,那会倒腾 VMware 得爱不释手。

Windows 10, get rid of update

install Pro without internet => make snapshot 1.0 => pause Windows update

Then any time you revert 1.0 you can pause Windows update again, i. e. you can get rid of Windows update.

Windows 7 execute .exe

开始 => 运行 => gpedit.msc=> 用户配置 => 管理模板 => windows组件 => 附件管理器=> 右击 “中等危险文件类型的包含列表” => 属性 => 选"已启用" => 在指定中等危险扩展名里输入.exe => 确定

CentOS 7 vmware-tools

sudo yum -y install gcc make kernel-devel
sudo yum remove open-vm-tools   # otherwise you can't use shared folder
sudo ./ -d          

Don’t yum check-update, otherwise vmware-tools would suggest you to use open-vm-tools, and the worst thing is that the default option is ture. Since you use -d, the installion would abort, so you can’t use -d, and need to type no for first option, then thousands of Enter for chosing default options.