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44周:Oct30 Science, Oct29 Nature, Oct29 Cell

Science - Research Articles

  1. The coupling mechanism of mammalian respiratory complex I 线粒体复合物I是如何把氧化还原与质子泵出偶联起来的呢?原来是通过醌空穴的构象变化,多亏电镜,五种条件的结构 2.3~2.5A,水分子清晰可见,使我们能够明确质子转移的途径
  2. Atomic-scale microstructure of metal halide perovskite 扫描电镜的 atomic-scale 已经无法让我感冒了
  3. Multi-omics analyses of radiation survivors identify radioprotective microbes and metabolites 肠道微生物组还能防辐射啊,严格来说是辐射后修复
  4. Receptor kinase module targets PIN-dependent auxin transport during canalization 有一种假说认为生长素与运输通道反馈调节,作者发现起作用的两个分子。
  5. Origins and genetic legacy of prehistoric dogs 27条狗的古基因组,发现了共同祖先
  6. The emergence of SARS-CoV-2 in Europe and North America 新冠中国起源论??据说最早在德国和美国被扑灭了,后来从中国传到意大利和华盛顿,然后爆发。

Science - Reports

  1. Cryptic transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in Washington state 453新冠基因组大部分都是由一个人传播的,在市区管制之前
  2. Singing in a silent spring: Birds respond to a half-century soundscape reversion during the COVID-19 shutdown 新冠封锁了,城市安静了,鸟儿可以趁机好好唱歌了
  3. Denisovan ancestry and population history of early East Asians
  4. Denisovan DNA in Late Pleistocene sediments from Baishiya Karst Cave on the Tibetan Plateau 总是发两篇,找到了古人类DNA,也许适应了高原气候,还传给了西藏人
  5. Metal-organic magnets with large coercivity and ordering temperatures up to 242°C 金属离子和有机物配体,提升磁体矫顽力
  6. Parallel single-shot measurement and coherent control of solid-state spins below the diffraction limit 空洞进行量子计算
  7. CdPS3 nanosheets-based membrane with high proton conductivity enabled by Cd vacancies 质子高透膜,电池
  8. Generation of helical topological exciton-polaritons 让某某不需要低温、强磁场
  9. Surface deformation associated with fractures near the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence
  10. A complex phenotype in salmon controlled by a simple change in migratory timing 一个基因区域就能控制三文鱼迁徙时间


  1. Diverse polarization angle swings from a repeating fast radio burst source 快速射电爆,15个数据,支持其中一种来源
  2. The Philae lander reveals low-strength primitive ice inside cometary boulders 探测器登录彗星
  3. High-throughput calculations of magnetic topological materials 高通量计算方法寻找磁性拓扑材料
  4. Efficient epoxidation over dinuclear sites in titanium silicalite-1 光谱学和显微镜,揭示 TS-1 催化的具体机理
  5. Metal-free photoinduced C(sp3)–H borylation of alkanes
  6. Large Chinese land carbon sink estimated from atmospheric carbon dioxide data 从大气中二氧化碳估计中国的陆地碳沉降
  7. Global priority areas for ecosystem restoration 让一部分生态先被修复,带动,啊不,是低成本高回报
  8. Stimulus-specific hypothalamic encoding of a persistent defensive state 刺激依赖的缓慢神经动态 -> 持久情绪状态
  9. The innate immunity protein IFITM3 modulates γ-secretase in Alzheimer’s disease
  10. High-depth African genomes inform human migration and health 非洲人基因组包含的变异更多,那就使劲测,426人,有很多以前忽视的群体
  11. Exome sequencing and characterization of 49,960 individuals in the UK Biobank UK Biobank 计划测序500k 人和记录表型,先放出 50k 外显组,分析出了一堆 loss-of-function 与xx有关联
  12. Evidence for 28 genetic disorders discovered by combining healthcare and research data 31k 父母-孩子对,de nov 突变,发育不良疾病
  13. Inherited causes of clonal haematopoiesis in 97,691 whole genomes 年老导致慢性病,一种机理是造血干细胞体细胞突变的累积,作者测序来分析突变的根源
  14. Inherited myeloproliferative neoplasm risk affects haematopoietic stem cells
  15. Infection of dogs with SARS-CoV-2 新冠患者家里的狗,15只有2只是无症状感染,病毒序列和主人一模一样
  16. Immune receptor inhibition through enforced phosphatase recruitment 药物设计新思路,招募磷酸酶对受体的胞内部分去磷酸化
  17. Capillary cell-type specialization in the alveolus 肺泡毛细管细胞非均质,而是两种细胞交错排列
  18. Serine restriction alters sphingolipid diversity to constrain tumour growth 丝氨酸限制为什么能抑制肿瘤呢?因为它改变鞘脂多样性(合成有毒的脱氧鞘脂)
  19. In-cell architecture of the nuclear pore and snapshots of its turnover 原位结构生物学,核孔 turnover 的快照
  20. Mechanism of strand exchange from RecA–DNA synaptic and D-loop structures 电镜,同源重组的链交换机制,duplex opening 有 20% 几率终止,同源性会抑制这一过程
  21. Structure of hepcidin-bound ferroportin reveals iron homeostatic mechanisms 电镜


  1. Molecular Basis of Chemotactile Sensation in Octopus 章鱼的触觉是接触依赖的
  2. An Amygdala Circuit Mediates Experience-Dependent Momentary Arrests during Exploration 神经回路,探索时停下来
  3. The Statistical Structure of the Hippocampal Code for Space as a Function of Time, Context, and Value 下丘脑细胞感受野的概率模型
  4. TDP-43 Triggers Mitochondrial DNA Release via mPTP to Activate cGAS/STING in ALS TDP-43 引发炎症,是因为其侵入线粒体,释放DNA
  5. Endocannabinoids Inhibit the Induction of Virulence in Enteric Pathogens 内源大麻直接作用于细菌,保护宿主免受肠道感染
  6. Translocation of Viable Gut Microbiota to Mesenteric Adipose Drives Formation of Creeping Fat in Humans 凭什么得了 Crohn 病就要长胖,原来是某种细菌乱跑
  7. A MicroRNA Linking Human Positive Selection and Metabolic Disorders 2q21.3 这个位置被正向选择并仅仅是因为乳糖酶,还有一个 mircoRNA 能活过饥荒(现在却导致肥胖)
  8. Single-Cell Transcriptomics Reveals Early Emergence of Liver Parenchymal and Non-parenchymal Cell Lineages 肝脏胚层来源
  9. Assembly Mechanism of Mucin and von Willebrand Factor Polymers 粘蛋白如何保护消化道和呼吸道
  10. Molecular Architecture of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus 新冠完整病毒的结构
  11. Structural and Functional Analysis of the D614G SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Variant 新冠S蛋白变体 D614G 在几个月内就取代了古老类型,感染力更强;S蛋白其它不变,但与ACE2受体的亲和力降低
  12. M. tuberculosis Reprograms Hematopoietic Stem Cells to Limit Myelopoiesis and Impair Trained Immunity 造血干细胞。。。骨髓生成。。。。通过I型干扰素
  13. Innate Immune Training of Granulopoiesis Promotes Anti-tumor Activity 真菌分泌的β-glucan 能增强获得性免疫,从而产生肿瘤抗性,还可以通过骨髓移植而传递
  14. Trained Immunity-Promoting Nanobiologic Therapy Suppresses Tumor Growth and Potentiates Checkpoint Inhibition 这三篇互相引用,这个搭了一个纳米生物学平台
  15. A Structural Model of the Endogenous Human BAF Complex Informs Disease Mechanisms BAF 复合体结合到核小体时的结构